What is the Matfyz bojovka?
Bojovka is a customized walk created by the Spolek Matfyzák. The walk is divided into posts, which form a circuit starting and ending at the MFF UK in Troja. At each post you will find a QR code with GPS coordinates and a link to the form for another station. In addition, you will also receive a (competition) task and interesting information and photos about the location! 🙂
- Follow current city restrictions, for example go for the walk at most in a pair.
- Do not publish and do not destroy QR codes
- Do not reveal the walking route
- The route is designed for pedestrians and cyclists, we also support travel by public transport, including the ferry
- There are photo-taking competitions tasks, but you do not have to photograph yourself, but only the view or the surroundings
What will I need?
A smartphone with QR code reader, maps app and mobile data for searching for coordinates and filling in forms.
When where do I start?
Matfyz Bojovka starts 26th of April 2021 and the first QR code is located on the front glass door of the building T of MFF UK building in Troja.
How long is the walk?
There are two routes, one is ten kilometers long. If you do not feel like wallking 10 km, then during the fight you will come across a shortcut that will take you to a shorter five-kilometer route. If, on the other hand, 10 km is not enough for you, then there is a bonus post, which will extend the route by a kilometer and a half.
Can I win something?
There are competition tasks at some posts and the first three most successful (evaluated by selected members of the Spolek Matfyzák) will be rewarded with a small gift.
I ran into a problem.
Contact us by email at spolek.matfyzak+bojovka@gmail.com with the subject of the message according to the type of problem listed below.
I searched everywhere and I can’t find the QR code 🙁
Write an e-mail at spolek.matfyzak+bojovka@gmail.com with the subject „help“ and the post number. So, for example, if you can’t find the QR code at post 3, then the subject will be help 3.
I ran into another problem.
Write an e-mail at spolek.matfyzak+bojovka@gmail.com with a subject describing the problem.